About Me 

By: Regan Hutto

The best way to describe me as a person is an athlete, I have played softball my whole life and being a softball player defines who I am. Because I am a pitcher, I in turn have to be a leader on the field. In softball, the pitcher controls the game and acts as a team leader. Being a leader on the field has transferred into my personal life. When in class I find myself leading discussions and taking the lead on projects. 

I have lived in the same town my whole life but I value diversity. Part of the reason I love Agnes Scott so much is the informative standing on diversity. Meeting people that are different from me makes me feel more educated in the fact that I can walk a mile in other’s shoes and understand the differences of the people around me. 
I am also a cadet in the U.S. Army ROTC where being a leader is crucial. I hope that my time at Agnes furthers my skills as a leader. By studying English I am on a path to law school and I know that an education at Agnes Scott will help pave the stones to lead me to my dreams. Being that I hope to achieve a MOS (a military job) in the law branch of the Army being a leader will make my goal much more attainable. I look forward to what Agnes Scott has to offer me in the near future.